Wednesday, February 25, 2009

100 Things to Be Happy About (#1-#25)

In high school I sometimes used to take a break from note taking and make lists of "100 Things to be Happy About". I'd seen posters of other people's lists, but it's always more fun to have one of your own. So, here goes the grown up version, in no particular order....
#1 The first sip of coffee in the mornings
#2 Sleeping late
#3 Maddie and tucker
#4 A day off of work
#5 Laughing until your abs are sore
#6 Having had the same best friend for 16 years
#7 Vino!
#8 Towels straight out of the dryer
#9 Macaroni and cheese
#10 When you know you found a boy that makes you a priority
#11 A good hair day
#12 Finding quarters at the bottom of your purse
#13 Getting a compliment
#14 A Facebook friend request from someone you wish you had stayed in touch with
#15 A UT volunteer football win
#16 Lunches with dad
#17 Diet Coke
#18 Foot massages
#19 New Sharpie colors
#20 Old Sharpie colors
#21 Theatrical outfit Thursdays with mom
#22 Flip flops
#23 Taking out your contacts after a long day
#24 Post workout high
#25 Good night kisses

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday

Today is Fat Tuesday. Meaning that I have to pick something to give up for Lent. I tried coffee last year. That didn't go over so well - or last very long. I think I gave up bread a couple years prior. This year, I'm going for the fried foods. No french fries until Easter. maybe I can get my Easter basket specially delivered full of fries from the McEaster Bunny? ;)

We (JS Creative) celebrated at our daily status meeting this morning with an amazing king cake. It came in pieces - cake, frosting and colored sprinkles - so that they hadn't all run together yet. Those Gambino's Bakery folks are sheer genius!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lucky Friday the 13th!

While I'm typically not high maintenance, I do for some reason have this thing for flowers on Valentine's Day. Robert sent me the most amazing flowers to the office last year, and I thought he was off the hook this year since the day fell on a Saturday. However, I was surprised on the 13th with another beautiful bouquet. The boy knows how to earn brownie points with me!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I have been a very bad blogger over the past couple of weeks! So VERY busy. I'll be better. Pinky swear :) LL

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've never actually been able to call myself an artist. I've let other people do it and embarrassingly blushed, semi-agreed and then changed the subject. That has happened more times than I can count. It has something to do with being judged. Afraid of being told that I'm not good at something that I love to do. Then, I recently realized that I'm an artist BECAUSE I enjoy doing creative things. I don't have to have works that should be hanging in the High Museum in order to earn that adjective. So, I've felt a lot more free about allowing myself to take the time to do creative things. Here is my latest. I needed some yellow and navy paintings to finish off my newly decorated guest room. Do you know how hard it is to find yellow and navy wall art? Maybe that should tell me something!? ;) So I took a stab at it...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Last night, Rebekah and I attended the preview event of MODA's "In The Bag" exhibit. There were all sorts of very expensive handbags there. Even a room full of pieces that were part of the "Friends" wardrobe.

In addition to adding the word "handbag" to my vocabulary, I also learned:
  • If you stand at the bottom of the escalators at MODA, it's the best spot to catch the passed hour dourves.
  • Suntrust is not a sponsor of the exhibit.
  • Drinking red wine after white does not result in a headache the next morning.
All in all, a very educational evening.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies!

It's that time of year and as hard as I tried to hold out, I just gave in. A box of Thin Mints and a box of Do-Si-Dos will be delivered to me in just a few weeks!

In doing some research on the nutritional value of the cookies (I know - lame), I found out that these cookies actually have personalities! While I ordered Thin Mints and Do-Si-Dos, I learned that I am:

Thin Mints: Popular, Strong and Confident
Do-Si-Dos: Easy-going, Trustworthy and Friendly

Are they right?

(Note: I was going to order Tagalongs (Artistic, Creatve and Dramatic), but erased that and replaced it with the Do-Si-Dos. Am I again trying to unknowingly sabatoge my creative self via cooke ordering!??)