Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies!

It's that time of year and as hard as I tried to hold out, I just gave in. A box of Thin Mints and a box of Do-Si-Dos will be delivered to me in just a few weeks!

In doing some research on the nutritional value of the cookies (I know - lame), I found out that these cookies actually have personalities! While I ordered Thin Mints and Do-Si-Dos, I learned that I am:

Thin Mints: Popular, Strong and Confident
Do-Si-Dos: Easy-going, Trustworthy and Friendly

Are they right?

(Note: I was going to order Tagalongs (Artistic, Creatve and Dramatic), but erased that and replaced it with the Do-Si-Dos. Am I again trying to unknowingly sabatoge my creative self via cooke ordering!??)

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