Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Hobby #1 - Vegetable Gardening

You will find if you are a consistent visitor to the ever so exciting site that I call my blog, that I am drowning myself in new hobbies this Spring. It's not that I had any spare time in my schedule to begin with, but I think that I have 'activity ADD' and need to keep adding new things to keep myself entertained. So, New Hobby #1 is vegetable gardening. I attended a class at the Oakhurst Community Garden and learned what vegetables grow well in Atlanta in the summer, how to build a raised bed garden and how to prepare the soil and plan the placements of all the plants. Mom came over and we picked the best spot in the back yard with all the sun, Robert has agreed to build the 4' x 10' box, and we're ready to go! Planting shall commence on April 17th. I will be attempting to grow:
  • Tomatoes
  • Pole Beans
  • Asian Eggplant
  • Cucumbers
  • Sunflowers
Wish me luck!

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