Wednesday, November 25, 2009

100 Things to Be Happy About (#26-#50)

Continued from my February post....

#26 A favorite new song
#27 Edward and Jacob (The Twilight Saga)
#28 Big, Long Hugs
#29 Someone holding the door just for you
#30 Getting a text message from your brother
#31 Watching the creativity of a child
#32 Coming up with something almost as creative as a child would
#33 Tall boots and skinny jeans
#34 Pumpkin Waffles
#35 Cold sheets on a hot night
#36 When a recipe turns out just like the photo
#37 Getting all caught up with your picture albums
#38 Sitting on the beach listening to the water
#39 Lost returns to ABC in January
#40 A football win over UGA
#41 Costume jewelry
#42 Getting to bed early
#43 Newspapers on Sunday mornings
#44 Getting text messages
#45 Snail mail
#46 Grilled cheese and soup Tuesdays
#47 Uninhibited dance sessions
#48 Knowing all the right words when signing along
#49 New socks
#50 Homegrown Tomatos

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Knew It Was a Bad Idea

While everyone told me that it would be life changing - maybe for the worse - I was still very curious about it. And thought that I would be able to still keep a realistic perspective after reading it. Well...I was wrong. It doesn't happen very often, so take note! ;) I started reading Skinny Bitch and got past the part about all the horrible chemicals in our food with ease. That's not news to me. Then they went into graphic detail about how we get our meat and dairy products and the treatment of the animals - and that did it. Mental images that I'm not sure will ever go away. This should not shock anyone, as this is coming from the girl that tears up when seeing squirrels on the side of the road. However, I usually recover. From this, I might be unrecoverable. Which is sad because I have LOVED my cheese for a really long time. I've graduated from Velveeta Rotel dip to things like brie and fontina - but it's still cheese. And don't even ask me what comes to mind. So, here is my warning. If you're going to read the book, eat your life's worth of cheese and Chick-Fil-A first!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hawks Game - Appendix

Okay, so I'm really not a basketball fan. I tried. Really hard. But definitely enjoyed the company and the wine more than what was happening on the court. Note to self - let other people enjoy the basketball tickets. Sigh.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hawks vs. Heat

Tonight I am going to a Hawks basketball game. I'm not a fan of basketball and am even less of a fan of going to things like this on a school night. However, we've been invited by a sales rep who will be treating us to dinner and beverages. So, here goes. Full Report in the AM :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It was Sunday and I was bored. So Robert looked up a 'scenic drive' on Google and found us a 180 mile route. Didn't seem to much of a time investment based on my 60 miles in one hour calculations, so I said, "Let's Go!". Six hours later we were pulling back into Atlanta just in time to go to an 8p Ray LaMontagne concert that night. We had such a great time exploring South Georgia, but (big surprise) my timing calculations were a bit off. Our first big find was the covered bridge - the oldest and longest in the state of Georgia! I noticed the name of the road was 'Covered Bridge Road', so we turned down it to see if it really was. Then lunch at the Smokehouse BBQ place was a cultural experience. My favorite part was the local policeman coming in for a cup of coffee and catching up with the wait staff. Amazing. Just like Mayberry. Then we were off to Warm Springs, GA. It was here that FDR came to recover from polio. His 'Little White House' was available for tour, but required admission. And since our little trip was about low budget fun, we decided we could live without it. So, we went into town instead. I have to say that downtown Warm Springs was MUCH more exciting. Behind the main drag there was this little 'community' of stores and restaurants. This is also where we found 'Fantasyland Courtyard' filled with plastic gold camels and pink horses -- and who could forget the red horse in the tree!? There were lots of other strange things there, which made me feel like I had just left the Alice in Wonderland tea party upon exit. Back in the car we drove through the intersection of 'D Street' and 'A Circle', which I found totally amusing. And then the end of our adventures hit when we dead ended into Callaway Gardens - which was a TOTAL surprise. A perfect end to the fun! After a stop in the all too commercial 'lodge' at Callaway, we rushed back in order to be at The Fox Theatre for the Ray LaMontagne concert that we were going to that night. We had so much fun that we're determined to make this a regualr thing. So, stay tuned for more random adventures from LL and RP :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Chomp N' Stomp

Talk about a successful day! It began with Rebekah and I running the Romp N' Stomp 5K. My first one - and we did well :) I was at our JS Retreat the night before, and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pull if off. But, I did!

The 5K was really just a way for me to feel better about the masses of chili that was going to be tested later in the day. And maybe a bloody mary or two.

The event was in Cabbagetown, a neighborhood next to mine (Oakhurst), and we had friend that lived right on the street with the amateur chili contestants. There was another full street of restaurants that participated. We only made it to three or four of them, but they were great. RP and I ventured away for a little while and stumbled upon aligator chili. Given my passion for hating the Florida Gators, I ate some.

Friday, November 6, 2009

2009 Jackson Spalding Retreat

On Friday we all spent a "Day Away at Camp Will-A-Way" in Athens, GA. While it wasn't our typical weekend long retreat, it was a nice getaway with fellow JSers. We did team building games and brainstorming during the day. And then off to The Georgia Club for happy hour and dinner after. I think it says a lot that the bus was late returning back to Atlanta that night. We all wanted to stay and hang out longer than anticipated! A great shot of JS Creative here :) These are my peeps! We may or may not have continued the party ar Ri Ra afterward...