Saturday, November 7, 2009

Chomp N' Stomp

Talk about a successful day! It began with Rebekah and I running the Romp N' Stomp 5K. My first one - and we did well :) I was at our JS Retreat the night before, and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pull if off. But, I did!

The 5K was really just a way for me to feel better about the masses of chili that was going to be tested later in the day. And maybe a bloody mary or two.

The event was in Cabbagetown, a neighborhood next to mine (Oakhurst), and we had friend that lived right on the street with the amateur chili contestants. There was another full street of restaurants that participated. We only made it to three or four of them, but they were great. RP and I ventured away for a little while and stumbled upon aligator chili. Given my passion for hating the Florida Gators, I ate some.

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