Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello 2010.

It's a brand new year! A time that is filled with new starts, resolutions and hopes. I too greeted this year in that same manner. However, somewhere down the line I must have made it angry.
Or, it's getting all the challenges out of the way early for me. Thus far, I have...

*Had a leaky kitchen sink that required a plumber to come out and tighten some things at the dishwasher connection.

*Locked my keys in my car, with it running and my phone and computer inside, trying to heat it up. Here in lies the problem with not having a home phone.

*Had the furnace go out last weekend - the coldest week in Atlanta in a LONG time.

If things happen in threes the furnace might be a good sign. And if I was going to flip my perspective on the year and look at all the good things that have happened so far, it might go like this...

*Spent New Years up at a cabin in Dahlonega with great friends.

*There are great things happening at work.

*We had snow in January!

*While the furnace did go out, it does not have to be immediately replaced.

*Robert and I roasted a WHOLE chicken on the grill and made our own calamari, and it turned out fabulously.

*The VOLS got rid of Lane Kiffin. Good riddence.

*Jessica purchased the Twilight board games and we got to spend a Friday night playing them.

Okay, so the list can go on and on. Amazing what perspective can do for you, no!?

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