Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Universal Truth - Part One

I got this e-mail today with these 'universal truths' in them. I had to share because I think they are hilarious....
  • I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
  • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
  • I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
  • The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text.

  • You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
  • I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Hobby #2 - Art Journaling

Sometimes when I feel uninspired I spend my lunch at Borders and leave feeling much more like myself - full of excitement to take on new things. My latest trip inspired learning to make fun aprons and start an art journal.

Seeing that my sewing machine was off at the fix it shop, and I'm no so patient, I decided to pursue the art journaling. I purchased a magazine that quoted people saying things like, "It gives purpose to my art so that my critic can't tell me that I'm wasting my time being creative". Since that is EXACTLY what I hear, I thought I'd give the project a shot.

I purchased the acrylic matte medium and the gesso and went to work creating the book. KG sent me a blog link from someone else who does the journaling, and I was on a roll. I spent Friday and Saturday nights preparing the book for use and since then it's just sat on my counter. More to come once I spend some QT with it!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clyde's Run

This morning Jessica and I signed on to help our friend Jill coordinate and execute this year's Clyde's Run. Jessica and I are the logistics crew the day of the race, and I'm not sure that we knew what we were getting ourselves into :) However, it's going to be a great time and a great learning experience!

Clyde's Run is a 5K race in Mountain Park that raises money for Prader-Willi Syndrome. This event is held in memory of Clyde Mays, a poster child of successful PWS management, who died at age 24 from complications of the syndrome. What is Prader Willi Syndrome?
  • Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is the most common known genetic cause of life-threatening obesity in children. It occurs in males and females equally and in all races. Prevalence estimates have ranged from 1:8,000 to 1:25,000 with the most likely figure being 1:15,000. PWS typically causes low muscle tone, short stature if not treated with growth hormone, incomplete sexual development, and a chronic feeling of hunger that, coupled with a metabolism that utilizes drastically fewer calories than normal, can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity. The food compulsion makes constant supervision necessary. Average IQ is 70, but even those with normal IQs almost all have learning issues. Social and motor deficits also exist. It's not something that I had ever heard of until recently, and it feels really good being a part of a program to help find a cure for this syndrome.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Hobby #1 - Vegetable Gardening

You will find if you are a consistent visitor to the ever so exciting site that I call my blog, that I am drowning myself in new hobbies this Spring. It's not that I had any spare time in my schedule to begin with, but I think that I have 'activity ADD' and need to keep adding new things to keep myself entertained. So, New Hobby #1 is vegetable gardening. I attended a class at the Oakhurst Community Garden and learned what vegetables grow well in Atlanta in the summer, how to build a raised bed garden and how to prepare the soil and plan the placements of all the plants. Mom came over and we picked the best spot in the back yard with all the sun, Robert has agreed to build the 4' x 10' box, and we're ready to go! Planting shall commence on April 17th. I will be attempting to grow:
  • Tomatoes
  • Pole Beans
  • Asian Eggplant
  • Cucumbers
  • Sunflowers
Wish me luck!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Three Breakfast Relay

I remembered this story on the way to work today, and just felt the need to put it 'on paper'. When I was in 8th grade my dad would take me to school in the mornings. And when he couldn't, he would have one of two colleagues take me. Now, it wasn't a short trip from Alpharetta to Gwinnett - and I wasn't ever much of a morning person - so I truly believe that anyone who would agree to do this should get special people stars :) Every once in a while we would get to stop at McDonalds for breakfast, so everyone knew that my breakfast usual was an Egg McMuffin and a Coke.

As my 8th grade year was coming to a close, and summer was looming, Dad and I headed off to school one morning. We took our turn into the McDonalds as usual, and got an Egg McMuffin and a Coke and headed on our merry way. At the next McDonald's that we passed, dad turned in and I thought he may have forgotten that we already stopped. (You know how you think your parents are insane when you're in 8th grade....?) But I was distracted when noticing that one of the other morning drivers was there in the parking lot. He had an Egg McMuffin and a Coke waiting in the car for me. Dad explained that he had a meeting, so he could only take me so far. So, I get in the next car laughing about how I had already had an Egg McMuffin, but politely trying to eat some of this one too. THEN we pull into ANOTHER McDonalds to find the third carpool driver waiting. I finally caught on when I saw him with an Egg McMuffin and Coke in hand that this was all a cute little trick on the last morning of the year. I couldn't even pretend to eat the third breakfast.

BUT, it was really fun to have everyone in on the trick - and it's a day that I won't ever forget :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Try To Make At Least Three People Smile Each Day.

That is the goal for the week. Given that I'm having a hard time even making myself smile today, it could present a challenge.

Tuesday, 1/26:
  • Made the barista at Caribou Coffee smile this AM.
  • Met with a sales rep from LA and started talking about Lane Kiffin - made him smile, but not me. Is that double points?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Necessary Accessory for Crediblity: Lipstick?

Okay, so I receive Affluent magazine at the office. Maybe because I am am wealthy in the ways of fabulous friends and family?? Anyhow, I ran across an article on 'Fashion and Status' that reads:

"One 'accessory' that young professional women overlook is lipstick. Like other accessories, it also signals that you have more authority and credibility than your peers. Accessories not only increase status, they enable a youthful-looking woman to appear more worldly, experienced and credible."

Really people!? What does an educated brain do for young professional women?

Fist Pump

I found it! I that if it didn't exist it was something that needed to be created, but leave it up to someone with a lot more time than me to make it happen. The Jersey Shore Nickname Creator :)

After a few different tries, I have been deemed:

-Laura 'The Good Time' Lee
-Laura 'The Incident' Lee

Click here for your nickname.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Plan: Setting Intentions.

Up this morning at 4:45a. No joke. Robert was going to the airport, so I figured it would be fun to see what 4:45a feels like. After a little 'The Cosby Show' and coffee, I ran across a blog post on setting intentions. It seems like an easy way to set mini goals throughout the day. So...here goes. This morning I intend to get to the gym - instead of sitting her blogging. Later! :)

Setting Intentions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Book #1 - Done.

One of my resolutions for the new year is to read more books. First on the list is 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett. The last book that I couldn't put down was Breaking Dawn from the Twilight saga. This book was totally different, but another another one that grabbed my full attention. What I'll most remember about this book is being curled up early on the weekend mornings, reading it with a cup of coffee and two cats cuddled around me. And also taking it to the gym and having been on the elliptical machine for thirty minutes without once looking at the clock. THAT, my friends, is a great book.
"... among my hopes for an ordinary day is as simple as, let me not fail in being an instrument of purpose, if there is an opportunity to help, let me be."


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello 2010.

It's a brand new year! A time that is filled with new starts, resolutions and hopes. I too greeted this year in that same manner. However, somewhere down the line I must have made it angry.
Or, it's getting all the challenges out of the way early for me. Thus far, I have...

*Had a leaky kitchen sink that required a plumber to come out and tighten some things at the dishwasher connection.

*Locked my keys in my car, with it running and my phone and computer inside, trying to heat it up. Here in lies the problem with not having a home phone.

*Had the furnace go out last weekend - the coldest week in Atlanta in a LONG time.

If things happen in threes the furnace might be a good sign. And if I was going to flip my perspective on the year and look at all the good things that have happened so far, it might go like this...

*Spent New Years up at a cabin in Dahlonega with great friends.

*There are great things happening at work.

*We had snow in January!

*While the furnace did go out, it does not have to be immediately replaced.

*Robert and I roasted a WHOLE chicken on the grill and made our own calamari, and it turned out fabulously.

*The VOLS got rid of Lane Kiffin. Good riddence.

*Jessica purchased the Twilight board games and we got to spend a Friday night playing them.

Okay, so the list can go on and on. Amazing what perspective can do for you, no!?

Lesser known Murphy's Laws

These are either really funny - or I need to leave the office for the day. I can't decide...

1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

2. He who laughs last, thinks slowest.

3. If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

4. The things that come to those who wait will be the things left by those who got there first.

5. When you go in to Court, you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.