Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Last 10 Years in Pictures...
Good morning! Greetings with the energy that a grande Starbucks coffee and a morning workout can bring. I'm back on the workout wagon and it feels good! So, I ran across this in the NYT today and thought it was worth a post. (If you click on the image you can a larger version.) Happy Tuesday - and third to last day of this year.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I was behind the eight ball. It was December 2nd and my Thanksgiving/Fall decorations were still up at the house. Each time a saw them I was reminded that I was slacking on my job as the 'Holiday Decor Director' of my house. Then, on the 11th, I could take it NO more! Robert and I made the annual trek to Lowe's for our Christmas Tree. Once the tree was in the house, I had no choice but to get the Thanksgiving decorations down STAT. Had the fall leaves been in the presence of the green fir tree for too long the world may have combusted, and it would have been all my fault! After that it was easy, putting up the outside lights, mantle decorations and Christmas dishes all got me in the spirit. I got the tree ornamented with some help from Maddie on Sunday morning. My wrapping session with the paper that didn't really match my decorations took me out of the mood for a little while, but KG helped put it back into perspective for me. "Who cares?", she said. And she's right. So, here's to Christmas decorating - unmatching and all ;)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Hitting the Ice
Usually when I think about ice skating I think about having to drive WAY into the suburbs and lacing up nubuck colored skates with wet orange laces. While this was great for 5th grade birthday parties, there is just something missing for 30 year-olds on dates :)
Then we ran across the ice skating rink that was opening at the St. Regis hotel in Buckhead for the winter. We knew that was the way to do it! Me, Robert Jason, Rebekah, Matt and Heidi all met up on Sunday and hit the ice. It was beautiful! They served hot chocolate and had a s'mores station set up at the fireplace nearby. We got in about an hour of ice skating and then headed to Wahoo in Decatur for dinner. A GREAT way to spend a Sunday!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
It was time for another Girls Weekend, so Jessica and I hopped in the car on Friday afternoon and headed north to Nashville for a visit to Andrea. As our social director for the weekend, she had us all hooked up. On the recommendation of Nicole, we stayed at the Hutton Hotel in downtown Nashville, which could possibly be the most fabulous and cost-efficient hotel in all of the city. Not only was the decor very posh, but the shower head in the shower was affixed to the ceiling!? The water came down just like a waterfall. I've been some pretty fancy places, but I've never seen that before. Andrea took us out for sushi on Friday and then shopping on Saturday. We watched the SEC game and then headed back for a nap. After dinner at The Boundry, we were headed for the 'Honky Tonk' bars. I can't believe in all the time that I have spent in Nashville, I hadn't ever been to these bars. So much fun! The band was great, and Cowboy Troy and Gretchen Wilson ended up performing a surprise set. So much excitement :) So much so, that Jessica and I had to call it quits and cab back to the hotel a little 'early'. A little late night pot roast sandwich with sweet potato chips, and we were off to bed. What a fabulous time with fabulous friends. I am the luckiest girl in the world! :) We had to be back in Atlanta by noon on Sunday, so with a little Diet Coke, an Egg McMuffin and hashbrowns we were on our way back to being grownup again.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
100 Things to Be Happy About (#26-#50)
Continued from my February post....
#26 A favorite new song
#26 A favorite new song
#27 Edward and Jacob (The Twilight Saga)
#28 Big, Long Hugs
#29 Someone holding the door just for you
#30 Getting a text message from your brother
#31 Watching the creativity of a child
#32 Coming up with something almost as creative as a child would
#33 Tall boots and skinny jeans
#34 Pumpkin Waffles
#35 Cold sheets on a hot night
#36 When a recipe turns out just like the photo
#37 Getting all caught up with your picture albums
#38 Sitting on the beach listening to the water
#39 Lost returns to ABC in January
#40 A football win over UGA
#41 Costume jewelry
#42 Getting to bed early
#43 Newspapers on Sunday mornings
#44 Getting text messages
#45 Snail mail
#46 Grilled cheese and soup Tuesdays
#47 Uninhibited dance sessions
#48 Knowing all the right words when signing along
#49 New socks
#50 Homegrown Tomatos
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Knew It Was a Bad Idea
While everyone told me that it would be life changing - maybe for the worse - I was still very curious about it. And thought that I would be able to still keep a realistic perspective after reading it. Well...I was wrong. It doesn't happen very often, so take note! ;) I started reading Skinny Bitch and got past the part about all the horrible chemicals in our food with ease. That's not news to me. Then they went into graphic detail about how we get our meat and dairy products and the treatment of the animals - and that did it. Mental images that I'm not sure will ever go away. This should not shock anyone, as this is coming from the girl that tears up when seeing squirrels on the side of the road. However, I usually recover. From this, I might be unrecoverable. Which is sad because I have LOVED my cheese for a really long time. I've graduated from Velveeta Rotel dip to things like brie and fontina - but it's still cheese. And don't even ask me what comes to mind. So, here is my warning. If you're going to read the book, eat your life's worth of cheese and Chick-Fil-A first!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hawks Game - Appendix
Okay, so I'm really not a basketball fan. I tried. Really hard. But definitely enjoyed the company and the wine more than what was happening on the court. Note to self - let other people enjoy the basketball tickets. Sigh.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hawks vs. Heat
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
It was Sunday and I was bored. So Robert looked up a 'scenic drive' on Google and found us a 180 mile route. Didn't seem to much of a time investment based on my 60 miles in one hour calculations, so I said, "Let's Go!". Six hours later we were pulling back into Atlanta just in time to go to an 8p Ray LaMontagne concert that night. We had such a great time exploring South Georgia, but (big surprise) my timing calculations were a bit off. Our first big find was the covered bridge - the oldest and longest in the state of Georgia! I noticed the name of the road was 'Covered Bridge Road', so we turned down it to see if it really was. Then lunch at the Smokehouse BBQ place was a cultural experience. My favorite part was the local policeman coming in for a cup of coffee and catching up with the wait staff. Amazing. Just like Mayberry. Then we were off to Warm Springs, GA. It was here that FDR came to recover from polio. His 'Little White House' was available for tour, but required admission. And since our little trip was about low budget fun, we decided we could live without it. So, we went into town instead. I have to say that downtown Warm Springs was MUCH more exciting. Behind the main drag there was this little 'community' of stores and restaurants. This is also where we found 'Fantasyland Courtyard' filled with plastic gold camels and pink horses -- and who could forget the red horse in the tree!? There were lots of other strange things there, which made me feel like I had just left the Alice in Wonderland tea party upon exit. Back in the car we drove through the intersection of 'D Street' and 'A Circle', which I found totally amusing. And then the end of our adventures hit when we dead ended into Callaway Gardens - which was a TOTAL surprise. A perfect end to the fun! After a stop in the all too commercial 'lodge' at Callaway, we rushed back in order to be at The Fox Theatre for the Ray LaMontagne concert that we were going to that night. We had so much fun that we're determined to make this a regualr thing. So, stay tuned for more random adventures from LL and RP :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Chomp N' Stomp
Talk about a successful day! It began with Rebekah and I running the Romp N' Stomp 5K. My first one - and we did well :) I was at our JS Retreat the night before, and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pull if off. But, I did!
The 5K was really just a way for me to feel better about the masses of chili that was going to be tested later in the day. And maybe a bloody mary or two.
The event was in Cabbagetown, a neighborhood next to mine (Oakhurst), and we had friend that lived right on the street with the amateur chili contestants. There was another full street of restaurants that participated. We only made it to three or four of them, but they were great. RP and I ventured away for a little while and stumbled upon aligator chili. Given my passion for hating the Florida Gators, I ate some.
Friday, November 6, 2009
2009 Jackson Spalding Retreat
On Friday we all spent a "Day Away at Camp Will-A-Way" in Athens, GA. While it wasn't our typical weekend long retreat, it was a nice getaway with fellow JSers. We did team building games and brainstorming during the day. And then off to The Georgia Club for happy hour and dinner after. I think it says a lot that the bus was late returning back to Atlanta that night. We all wanted to stay and hang out longer than anticipated! A great shot of JS Creative here :) These are my peeps! We may or may not have continued the party ar Ri Ra afterward...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Vampires and Bats and Ghosts, Oh My!
Bring it on! We're ready for Halloween 2009. Bats hung on the chandelier? Check. Pumpkins picked out from the pumpkin patch? Check. Pumpkins carved and a costume party on the calendar? Check and check.
Mom and I spent Saturday making our Pocahontas and Captain John Smith costumes for this weekend. While I think my non-pattern form of sewing will now be a thing of the past, it was a great time. Robert's captain vest is a little snug. That's probably what we get for making it a "little big" on the model - me. Ha.
Pumpkin Carving consisted of Monster Mash on the radio - and bloody mary in our cups. Who says we're not festive!? ;)
Mom and I spent Saturday making our Pocahontas and Captain John Smith costumes for this weekend. While I think my non-pattern form of sewing will now be a thing of the past, it was a great time. Robert's captain vest is a little snug. That's probably what we get for making it a "little big" on the model - me. Ha.
Pumpkin Carving consisted of Monster Mash on the radio - and bloody mary in our cups. Who says we're not festive!? ;)
It's going to be a place where only the things you want to happen, would happen.
Robert and I have been dating a long time. And have had yet to go to a movie together - until Friday! I decided that seeing 'Where The Wild Things Are' was important enough to me to break the streak. I was really interested in seeing how the movie portrayed the raw emotions of a child. I still have a lot of kid in me, but sometimes I do forget what it was like. And I like to be reminded. Well...the movie was definitely that. Very 'real'. Not fairy tale-ish like most kids movies. I wouldn't even say it was a kids movie. I don't know if I'd really even say that watching it was enjoyable. It was just very 'real'. And the cinematography was beautiful. I relished in the creativity of Max, and envied his innocent view of the world. Two things that I fight to keep in the midst of all this growing up. I would recommend it, but maybe on a good day :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Annual Girls Weekend
This year our weekend trip was to Columbus, GA. I know. You're probably asking what the heck is in Columbus, GA. Well, the truth was that we didn't know. Mom just thought we'd have fun, and she's been pretty on the spot about that for 30+ years now. So, we hopped in the car on Friday and came home on Sunday having found a fabulous new town :) It was a little late on Friday night when we rolled into town, so we hauled in our bags and headed out for dinner. Our B&B host recommended a downtown brewery and there we headed. We were really surprised that Columbus, GA had a brewery until we remembered that it was a college town, so there had to be some sort of night life. That was the first sign that this could really be a great time! As we ate, we laid out the plans for the weekend, which included getting Mom all set up on Facebook. (It turns out that we also got her set up on text message as well! A whole new era.) The room that we had for our stay was beautiful. It has two huge antique queen beds and a fireplace. It was a blue and white room, which made it feel a lot like Nantucket to me. (Always a plus!) Breakfast was set for 9a the next morning and off to sleep we went! The next day we were greeted with the most amazing fresh fruit and omelette breakfast. We alos ended up sitting at the table chatting with the owners of the B&B for about 2 hours! They finally scooted us out of the house to catch the farmer and artisit's markets that closed at noon. TBD....
Monday, October 12, 2009
Taking the Aussie out in the ATL
Jackson Spalding has started the tradition of an employee exchange program with other PR firms in the PROI organization across the world. PROI is large group of independent PR firms that help eachother play in the same leagues as the firms with global offices all over the world. Last year, we had a girl come over from Amsterdam, and one of our colleagues was working at her firm at the same time. This year, we had a colleague go to Austraila for three weeks, and Tracy (from Austraila) came to JS! We have had such a great time talking with her, and learning all these unfamiliar words and phrases. They are fabulous. Anyhow, a group of us took Tracy out on Saturday night to show her what a "typical night of dancing" was like in America. I was worried about being able to hang, as I can't even remember how long it's been since I was out dancing. But, I did stay out until about 1:30 - and was not the first person to bow out. A successful try in my eyes ;)
The Perfect Pumpkin Muffin?
I'm on the lookout for the perfect Pumpkin Muffin recipe. While I'm not willing to give up the (forgive me for using this word because I HATE it) moist consistency, I don't want cups of sugar and oil in the recipe. I tried one from WholeLiving.com and it was terrible. It was really heavy and didn't have much flavor. I am willing to admit that I used baking Splenda instead of sugar, but I am not willing to accept that it was the reason for the failed recipe. I was just sent another recipe from a Facebook friend. I'll post it if it passes the test! :)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Keeping it All in Perspective....
I get an e-newsletter called "DailyOM", and while I have stacks and stacks of them to catch up on reading, I did read the one that I got today. And it was just what I needed, so I thought I'd post it...
"The choices you make upon waking can have a profound impact on your day. If, still drowsy, you hit the ground running, rushing to prepare yourself to face your worldly obligations, you will likely feel fatigued and overwhelmed for most of your day. A leisurely and relaxing morning, on the other hand, can energize and excite you, as well as give you the courage to meet the challenges waiting for you. By beginning your day in a focused and centered fashion, you make it your own. You set the tone of your expectations and choose the mood you will use to respond to your circumstances. A gentle, reflective, and thoughtful morning will prepare you to create a gentle, conscious, and thoughtful day."
Monday, September 28, 2009
Inaugural Crush Party
This weekend we started what might be a new tradition. We got a big group together and had our inaugural Crush Party! In an effort to celebrate the grape crushing season and harvest, each couple brought a bottle of red and white wine from a specific country. We shared a little bit about each of them and then drank! It was a unique way to get to try some new wines. We also had an abundance of cheeses for the tastings. The most popular by far was the St Andre cheese with a fig spread that we also found at Whole Foods. Highly recommended!
Our wine list was as follows:
Our wine list was as follows:
Country | Brand | Varietal | Year |
Whites | |||
Argentina | Zolo | Torrontes | 2008 |
France | Chateau Routas | Rose | -- |
France | Chateau Bonnet | Savignon Blanc | |
Italy | Riando | Prosecco Raboso | -- |
Napa | Cuvaison | Chardonnay | 2007 |
New Zealand | Giesen | Sauvignon Blanc | 2008 |
Spain | Burgans | Albarino | 2007 |
Reds | |||
Argentina | Finca Decero | Malbec | 2006 |
France | Chateau de la Chaize | Brouilly | 2006 |
Italy | Nipozzano | Chianti | 2005 |
Napa | Smith-Madrone | Cabernet Sauvignon | 2003 |
New Zealand | Kim Crawford | Pinot Noir | 2007 |
Spain | Marques de la Concordia | Tempranillo | 2006 |
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Great Jeans Search
While I'm sure that everyone who knows me would be quite surprised by this, the jeans search for me is drama. I say the first part of that with sarcasam, as there is drama to most things in my life. Not intense emotional drama, but just enough complication and commotion to keep me entertained. However, I do have to give props to the website that made this most recent search for jeans possible. Zappos.com. I have a small obsession with this site. Get this - free overnight shipping. AND free shipping to return what you don't want! Since the site sells so may different brands, it's like hitting the mall from your computer. So, they now carry jeans AND shoes. I was able to find my beloved Rock & Republic jeans, in the very dramatic 36" inseam. Perfection. Proceed with caution! ;)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fashion for a Cause
Tonight I am going with Jessica to Tootsies. While it sounds like an old ladies bar, it's actaully a very high end retail store. The name has totally turned me off, as I have never been. (It really has NOTHING to do with the cost of the clothes that they sell there...really.) We'll be "shopping" for a cause and enjoying a formal runway show to benefit The Chelko Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to empower women through art, education, and partnership in creating a better life for themselves and their children. I can get behind that! :)
Free KibbleKat
I've successfully made this a part of my daily routine - feed my cats, and then feed some cats that aren't so lucky. At this website all you have to do is answer a piece of trivia and they donate 10 pieces of kibble to animal shelters. AND you don't even have to get the answer correct in order for them to donate! (That would be too much pressure for me!)
Feed a Cat! Click Here.
Feed a Cat! Click Here.
Vamp-tucket 2009
I left Robert with the shed building in August, in order to take my annual Nantucket adventure with Jessica. I can sum up this trip with only one word, "Edward". Jessica and I started the Twilight series and almost finished the series in the course of the week! Over 1,000+ pages for this non-reader is a pretty hearty accomplishment. They are pretty much the best books I've EVER read. Not only did we read the books, but also watched the move AND downloaded the soundtrack. Ridiculous. We were like pre-teens again!? Expect that to pick back up on 11/20 at 12:01 when the New Moon movie comes out - and we're right there in line with the 12 year olds.
We also had our annual lobster night, attended the Boston Pops concert at Children's Beach, participated in a speed-round wine tasting at Cisco Brewery and had our onion rings at the Yacht Club with Grandpop. We had lots more time at home this year, as the economy had hit the island and reduced the number of cocktail parties and dinners out. We took advantage of that and corraled Bonton and Grandpop into teaching us how to play Hearts and Gin. We definitely need some practice!
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